Sasha Kulak

Sasha Kulak was born in Vitebsk, Belarus.

Together with commissioned fashion, music and identity building projects for brands Sasha's portfolio includes a variety of independent cultural projects made in collaboration with young talents across the globe.

Her films have taken her across the world. This year Sasha is presenting a feature film ‘A Hawk as Big as a Horse’ (2022, 77’) at DokLeipzig 2022, which is produced with the support of Arte France, and a grant recipient from the Sundance Institute.

Earlier this year the film Mara (2022, 61’) was premiered at the International Film Festival Rotterdam - it is a hybrid documentary video essay about Belarusian protests in summer of 2020.

Director, cinematographer

A Hawk as Big as a Horse, 76 min.

Mara, 61 min.

Quicksilver Chronicles, 75 min.

Salamanca, 41 min.