Sasha Kulak

Sasha Kulak was born in Vitebsk, Belarus.

Together with commissioned fashion, music and identity building projects for brands Sasha's portfolio includes a variety of independent cultural projects made in collaboration with young talents across the globe.

Her films have taken her across the world. This year Sasha is presenting a feature film ‘A Hawk as Big as a Horse’ (2022, 77’) at DokLeipzig 2022, which is produced with the support of Arte France, and a grant recipient from the Sundance Institute.

Earlier this year the film Mara (2022, 61’) was premiered at the International Film Festival Rotterdam - it is a hybrid documentary video essay about Belarusian protests in summer of 2020.

Director, cinematographer

A Hawk as Big as a Horse, 76 min.

Mara, 61 min.

Quicksilver Chronicles, 75 min.

Salamanca, 41 min.



Quicksilver Chronicles
Amid the ruins of an abandoned California mercury-mining town, Quicksilver Chronicles follows the daily lives of an outspoken and gifted writer, Kate Woods, her brother Kemp, and their friend Tommy.

Watch at the VODBLISK online cinema

The private story here is only a part of family history, and one man's destiny tells us about any other one. While the protagonist of the film recalls his childhood in search of the right answer to the most important question of all his life, days, months, and years slowly go by in Salamanca.