Twice colonized


Original language
Lin Alluna
Denmark, Canada, Greenland
92 min.

English, Greenlandic, Inuktitut, Danish
Belarusian | English

Twice colonized

Director: Lin Alluna
Year: 2023
Genre: documentary
Countries: Denmark, Canada, Greenland
Length: 92 min.

Original language: English, Greenlandic, Inuktitut, Danish
Subtitles: Belarusian | English

Lawyer, designer, and, above all, Greenlandic Inuit Aaju Peter is one of the most important figures in the fight for the rights of indigenous peoples of the Arctic. The irrepressible activist has been working for years to create a permanent EU forum for indigenous peoples, lobbying for an end to the seal-trade ban that has devastated her people's economy while delving deeper into her own origins. As a child, Aaju was forced to leave Greenland for Denmark; there she stopped speaking her native language and gradually began to lose her roots. Then she moved to the Arctic part of Canada to experience the consequences of the colonization of the Inuit too: her son committed suicide (among indigenous men, according to statistics, there is the highest rate of suicide in all countries). Now the woman is desperately fighting with European parliamentarians for justice for the sake of future generations. Her journey includes emotional speeches at EU headquarters, communication with other representatives of the northern peoples, and journeys into her own past to unhealed traumas that still haunt the strong-willed and unbending woman.

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